Q : If your grandma were to describe you and what you do, what would she say?
A : She would say "He plays some sort of rock music, the music is way too loud and I can hardly ever hear his vocals but from what I can tell, he is a successful musician. He will figure it out someday"
Q : When you’re not on the road, what does your perfect day look like?
A : Wake up with the wifey, play with the baby and maybe go for a walk. Have a nice lunch at a small boutique town not to far from us named Ashland, in Oregon. After that, hanging around the house with the family! Having tacos for dinner, then putting the baby to bed. Enjoying a fine drink and movie with my wife. That's a perfect day.
Q : What are your plans for the year ahead?
A : I have two new singles coming out in January. I've been in the studio this whole month recording my first full length record under my name. We have a few festivals set up and I believe we are going to start doing small run tours. Also, in my spare time, I've been co-writing and recording for bands. Busy year ahead! Oh! And a new website, with all new merch! www.TheJesseLawson.com
Q : Favorite city to play and why?
A : That's always a hard question and truly depends on what country we are in. I always LOVED playing Chicago and Los Angeles, the fans were unreal and the turn out was always insane. Those shows were always a blast! I also love Malaysia, Thailand and anywhere in Australia!
Q : Favorite song to play live and why?
A : It's a new song called "New Orleans Train". I've played it just a few times live and I love everything about it, the best song I have ever wrote, in my book. It comes out February 5th and I can't wait for people to hear it!
Q : Which artists are you currently listening to?
A : Ryan Adams, always and hip hop, that's about it. I'm always looking for new fresh bands though. So let me know on twitter what I should know about!
Q: If you could get coffee with 3 people (alive or deceased) who would it be?
A: Johnny Cash, Marilyn Monroe and Ryan Adams
Thanks, Jesse! Don't forget to check out Jesse's new website and new single on February 5th